Tuesday, 25 August 2009

The luck of dropped hairpins

You spottet it, changes to my blog. Nothing too drastic tho, altho I probably will be messing around with it for a while. Gotta get the right "feel", you know?

Anyway, last days has been OK, been doing "fun" stuff at school, fixing some computers and walking on the roof, ect. I've also been pretty damn sleepy for the past days, although I guess this is to be expected when school just started again. Right?

It also seems that luck will be heading my way soon. I don't know how, when or what it will be, but the evidence is pointing towards this conclution. What evidence you ask? Well, I just happend to find 4 hairpins today. That right, 4 hairpins, on one day. Thats gotta mean something. Either some random girl is going to need more hairpins, or Ms. Fortuna has me in sight. And being my optimistic self, I conclude with the latter of course.


  1. Wowsht, FIRE stykker! Jeg fant en firkløver for to dager siden. Tror du det er et tegn?!

  2. A posibility, yea... So I'm 4 times lucky, and you're 4 times lucky? Hmm

    Was kinda nice tho, on my way to school I found 2. On my way home I found another, and was like "wow, it'd be cool if I found ANOTHER ONE"... The rest is history.
