Wednesday, 10 March 2010

"It's hard to take positive steps, when you've burned the bridge you got to walk across."

It's been a month since last time. Allow me to sum up.

My days at the moment are filled with being tired, wanting to go home and Scrubs. You know, the TV show. Yep, I've watched all there is of Scrubs in a very short time. Can you blame me though? I mean, it's a goddamn brilliant show. With it's morals, jokes and long rants, it is one of the best shows ever. Now since I love the show, ecspecially Turk (that's the black surgeon), today I will present a small clip from the show. It has nothing to do with me using HTML all day at work. Nothing at all! Beware of minor spoilers.

Cracks me up.

Other than watching Scrubs, I've been playing alot of Modern Warfare 2 and Team Fortress 2 (even though it's been ages). Also, my entire stock of supplies of sweedish goodies are GONE. They're GONE man! DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET~, don't worry, I won't go there.

On a final note, I have OVER 9000 pictures on my computer. That is actually not a joke, i have 9804 pictures, ONE of those pictures I've taken myself. Thank you internet.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Sorry Clark, you can't borrow my pirate ship.

Heeey, long time no see. Yeah, I've been reaaaaally busy lately... But you guys are awesome...

Anywho, right now I'm at work. No, I didn't get a job, I just work for a small comany every Tuesday and Wednsday for free. This is something my school arranges and I am to do this for the rest of the year. It's interesting though, I get to see how a electronics company works from the inside, and I get to deal with customers, test chellphones, dissemble broken laptops (happened once) and open mail. I'm also trying to make then a website, note: trying. This company focuses on cellphones, GPS and general electronics. Besides, I got my own desk and phone.... Awesome!

Other than that I've started playing Mass Effekt 2, for those of you who know what that is. If you don't, it's one of those "FPG" games, shooting and questing basically. This Saturday there was a party at Mr. T's house, which was awesome. Even though I never got to play Human... Bastard cable huggers...

I suck at blogging, now don't I? Anyway, I'll try to blog a little more often from now on, seeing as there actually is something to blog about. 20 minutes 'till I get to go home, Shepard out.

Edit: Theres now a picture

Monday, 11 January 2010

Got it memorized?

It's not late, it's early! Yeeeeeah, couldn't sleep, so decided not to. Determination for the win. Or, something.

Anyway, the last days has been filled with games, games and more games. And not just any games, Assassin's Creed 2 and Kingdom Hearts 2. Yep, top notch, latest of the latest. To an extent anyway... Assassin's Creed 2 was good enough, I think they went a bit far on the ending though. In a game like that, with it's boundaries and simple-ness, messing with reality is a bit much, in my opinion anyway. But I guess they had to go that far to actually top the last one, so...

Kingdom Hearts 2 I hadn't played in ages when I first booted it this... Friday, I think it was, and since day I've played it... 22 hours! And I just finished it, going straight to the ending, without the stuff you don't have to do. The experience was awesome as always, of course, and I've started to look forward to the next games in the series now... Just need a PSP...

Anyway, lots of inside time for me lately, and not much to report as usual. Sleepy, now? Noooooo, it's only 5:30 in the morning, and school tomorrow! Piece of cake. Besides, I'm on cam with a Canadian chick, later!

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

"Yeah, but does it explode?!"

I know, I suck at blogging. The reason I keep up, is that I find it kinda nice to write your latest deeds down, even if it's on rare occasions. If that makes any senSe.

So, Christmas came and went, Christmas dinners and parties here and there all week. It would be even better if I could actually stand my family... One part of my family are self-centered snobs who believes that the world if filled with flowers and pixie dust. They're also kiss-ups so whoever they visit, and always try to seem successful and interesting. In short terms, I hate these kind of people. I mean, who calls their parents by name anyway...?

Other part has the childish uncle and aunt. They're also nudists, but that doesn't really matter here. There's also two little cousins who are great, but you know. It's kinda interesting though, how cool my aunt and uncle seemed when I was younger, but after getting some maturity and perspective, they just seem lame and strange.

Yeeeeah, I don't really have anything interesting to report today either. Oh, tomorrow there will be a gift-exchange with the crew, which should be awesome. You better like your presents folks! Graiman, over and out.

Oh, and one more thing, my download for the Star Wars movies in 1080 HD just finished. If they were ever awesome, they're fucking awesome now. Marathon time!

Sunday, 13 December 2009

A pre-christmas experience

Getting presents for people are hard. Like, a real challenge. Last year I got like 5 people presents, this year it's more like 15 people. I don't know what happened, but in some strange way, I don't really mind either. I guess, having 15 people it's worth getting presents for is kinda nice...

This week I've played a lot of Modern Warfare: 2. For those of you who doesn't know it, it's an FPS game in brilliant graphics with an awesome story, which totally rocks. I got it for my computer, of course, since everyone knows FPS sucks on consoles. I mean, come on. Yeah. No, you. Anyway, not to brag, but I'm pretty awesome in the multilayer part of the game, kicking noob ass till daybreak. Yeaaaah, that's the stuff.

What does a 18 year old girl want for Christmas anyway?

Sapped out, merry Christmas to all you mortals out there.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Legen.... wait for it.... dary!

Yeah, I'm totally good at blogging. But yeah, as usual, I don't really have that much to share. Other than the fact that snow is evil, of course. And that it's now December. And I have.... 15 presents to get this Christmas. You may now guess how many I have gotten. About.... I think it is.... None. That's about it.

Anyway, snow has started to fall, and corrupt the earth around where I live. I guess it's a good thing, seeing as it kinda gets me into a Christmas-y mood! I'm all like "Ho-ho-ho" to random people on the street. They usually look frightened and run in fear, but kids can be like that sometimes, you know?

School is going... On. It's really boring, actually. Luckily, I have rediscovered Pokémon! Pokémon Pearl to be exact. I bring it on a usb-stick to school, and play there when I'm bored. Yeah, I'm like just about to battle the elite four... I get bored a lot at school.... It sure is good fun though!

So. Yeah. I get by. Not really anything to report. It's early December, everyone is busy with mid-terms and crap, while I. I just am right now. A gray flake in a world of dust. Totally poetic right there, yeah. Anyway, Sapped out, being awe... wait for it... some!

Saturday, 14 November 2009

The invasion has begun

It happens on this time of the year. The deadly plants from another galaxy starts to fall, in an attempt to change our world. Change it to what? Change it to become livable for their evil alien masters, the inhabitants of Snøtopia, also know as the Snøfilius Sapiens. They live no a distant planet, in a galaxy far far away... Sorry, couldn't help myself. Anyway, our planet has been chosen as the suitable target for expansion of their race. You see, earth is one of few planets which are livable, and which also come down to the fitting cold at times, which their plants of evil can live. As a matter of fact, their planet, Snøtopia, is made entirely out of "Snø". Or snow, as its known in the common tongue. This is why the strange inhabitants of this planet require it in order to live.

Although, as most people know, this attempted invasion fails every year, due to the changing of seasons. This assault has been continuous over thousands of years, but the invaders refuse to give up. The source of this plant are portals of a sort, spread throughout our galaxy, and its through here the snow is siphoned. Do note that the "Snø" itself is not harmless, but rather quite dangerous. Every snowflake is in fact a seed, each of which is capable of draining whole patches of fresh earth of it's natural power of life. Of course, this planet is yet by far too hot for this to happen, and it takes a lot of seeds to do any permanent damage.

There is, on the other hand, a way to fight these plants, and their masters. You see, there are a fatal material here on earth that kills them just by being near them. This particular material is contained in a normal household object, batteries. That's right, the small cylinders you use to power your TV remote also holds the power to defeat alien forces of unknown magnitude. It's quite easy actually, you just keep a small amount of them in your pockets, and the Snø in a small area around you falls dead, unable to do harm. I would strongly suggest everyone to keep some batteries with them at all times, for the good of your planet!

So. Now you know. Now you know what those ghastly things are, and you know how to fight them. Rejoice, and help your world today! For further questions, and advice, please contact me in the comments below.

Sapped, Savior of Worlds, at your service.